Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The October Surprise

I believe that the financial meltdown is the October surprise. Maybe something else will happen between now and election day. But this is it, and it seems to be playing to Obama's strength. I think it is increasingly likely that Obama will be elected, and will have the pleasure of inheriting a once in a generation economic mess to cap off a long list of newly created or exacerbated problems left from the Bush administration. Bush, by the way, has pretty much checked out and is counting down the days to his freedom from Washington and return to the ranch.

If there was ever a time in my life where we needed a president that can communicate confidence and calm, and inspire people to come together and work hard for the future, it's now. And I am confident that Obama can be the communicator that is needed. I've consistently believed that the power of the president to fix things is severely limited. The president doesn't set policies or pass laws. But the president can set the tone. The president can conjur up a compelling vision. And a good tone is what we need. Obama can deliver it. I believe Obama is in the same league, communication wise, as Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy, F.D.R. and Abraham Lincoln.

Of course, only time will tell.

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